
Articles Posted in Litigation Process


Accountability v. Responsibility

In a recent blog post, Seth Godin wrote: “Accountability is done to you by the industrial system, by those that want to create blame.  Responsibility is done by you. It’s voluntary. You can take as much of it as you want.”   Seth Godin is a marketing guru and I enjoy…


Would You Hire a Lawyer Who Had Been Convicted of Murder?

This was essentially the headline of a recent New York Times article.   As a 19-year-old, the subject of the article had flown into a rage and killed a man who had picked him up the week before as a hitch hiker.  While in prison, he spent hundreds of hours learning…


We Hate To Disappoint People, But We Do. Everyday.

At The Law Offices of John Day, P.C., we have two intake specialists, Penny Whitaker and Lauren Bates. When people call into the offices for a free consultation, Lauren and Penny take the basic accident information for a free review by one of our award-winning attorneys. Let me say, Penny…


What We Do

Last week, John and I were in Arizona for a meeting of the American College of Trial Lawyers.  We were fortunate to get to hear a number of great speakers including FBI Director Christopher Wray who left us all assured the Bureau was in good hands, and Professor Goodwin who…


The Unfair Character Assassination of Government Regulations

Government regulations are often scorned and characterized as job killers, expensive and unnecessary. To be sure, there are some odd regulations on the books that deserve some derision  (I am looking at you, T.C.A. 70-4-115, the Road Kill law). But generally, government regulations are a good thing for the public.…


A Few Bad Apples

In any line of work, there are always a few that embarrass the rest of the profession whether you are talking about lawyers, plumbers, car salesmen, contractors, teachers, accountants, etc.  Unfortunately, some of the bad apples tend to come out after injury accidents, so here is what you need to…


So Let’s Talk About Those Solar Eclipse Goggles You Have

Months ago, when I first learned of the solar eclipse, I immediately ordered some solar eclipse goggles.  Even though the goggles were more expensive, I ordered them for a couple of reasons: (1) since they fit snuggly around the head they allegedly fit children better and posed less risk of…


Four Take-Aways from the Natchez Trace Bike Accident

By now you have probably seen the video of the driver of a Volvo (Mr. Neely) hitting a bicyclist (Tyler Noe) on the Natchez Trace Parkway.  If you have not, just Google “bicycle accident and Natchez trace” and you will find lots of sites with video of the accident.  In…

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