Articles Posted in Motorcycle Accidents


Well, we are one week into the new year and the new decade.  How are you doing on your resolutions?  Most folks, roughly 80%, will trash their resolutions by January 10th.  The failure rate on resolutions is so high because generally resolutions like weight loss or learning a foreign language or completing your graduate degree require hard work and take significant time.  But, we have 5 important resolutions that can be done in a couple of hours max and could make an incredible difference in your life. Continue reading


A few days ago, the Today Show did a report on drivers asleep at the wheel while the vehicle’s automated technology drove the vehicle.  Some of the video clips they showed were alarming, and a quick internet search revealed a lot more examples of drivers caught sleeping at the wheel. Of course, this prompts lots of questions.  Is this safe with the existing technology?  How much can drivers actually rely on automated systems?  Should there be criminal penalties for drivers caught sleeping at the wheel?  Should commercial vehicles be equipped with this technology?  Read on for some information on these issues. Continue reading


At this time of year, especially with a shortened season between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it is easy to feel overwhelmed.  Shopping, wrapping, addressing, baking and all the other things that need to be squeezed into our already busy schedules can become stressful.  But it is important to take a step back, take a deep breath and realize that this type of overwhelmed is rooted in something joyful.  We buy the presents, send the cards, bake the cookies, etc. because it is part of a season of joy and festivities.  But, there is another type of overwhelmed. Continue reading


According to a recent study, Nashville has the unlucky distinction of having two of the most dangerous roads (out of a list of 30) in the country.  Interstates 40 and 65 both made the list.  For our readers in East Tennessee, don’t feel left out; Interstate 75 was also included in the list so Knoxville is home to two deadly roads too.  These interstate exchanges are already dangerous but they almost certainly will become worse under new rules being proposed by the Trump administration. Continue reading


Fatal car accidents caused by aggressive driving have risen over 500% in the last ten years.  The worst of these road rage incidents make the news often accompanied by incredible videos of obnoxious drivers doing crazy things.  Let’s analyze this road rage incident that turned physical and was caught on video and assess how both drivers could have handled the situation better. Continue reading


The New York Times published an article this week detailing how many hospitals, one of which is in Tennessee (LeBonheur Children’s Hospital in Memphis), have started suing their patients by the thousands for unpaid medical bills.  Many of the patients had insurance and the hospitals were suing for deductibles and co-pays.  According to the article, more than half of the reports to credit bureaus were a result of unpaid medical bills.  Of course, in addition to the cost of litigation and the underlying medical bill, this affects people’s credit rating and overall financial health.  Consider this from a study by the Commonwealth Fund:

43 percent had used up all their savings to pay their (medical) bills, 43 percent had received a lower credit rating as a result of their debt, 32 percent racked up debt on their credit cards, 18 percent said they had delayed education or career plans. People with lower incomes were particularly affected: 37 percent said they were unable to pay for basic necessities like food, heat or rent as a result of their (medical) bills.

Clearly, medical bills can be devastating to many families – even those with medical insurance.  So how does this relate to a car accident or other injury-producing accident? Continue reading


I know, it is summer and we should not be talking report cards.  But, Allstate is out with its driving report card in which the 200 largest cities across the country are ranked based on their driving safety record.  The report considers things such as claim history and the number of hard braking incidents for every 1000 miles.  This year, Allstate has also identified the 15 riskiest roads based on number of accidents.  So did any Tennessee cities or roads make the list?   Read on to find out. Continue reading


Tractor-trailer accidents are on the rise — up 10% from last year.  Despite the increase in deadly crashes (there were 4,657 fatal truck accidents in the last stat year)  the federal government is moving to relax safety regulations and delay the implementation of other new safety regulations.  One key safety provision at risk could result in our roadways becoming a lot more dangerous. Continue reading


For most Americans, the 4th of July means a day off from work filled with cookouts, the pool or lake, family, friends and fireworks.  Unfortunately, it also means the day with the highest number of fatal roadway accidents.  Yes, the 4th of July is deadlier than New Year’s Day or any other holiday.  If you plan to be on the roadways this 4th of July, please follow these five important safety tips: Continue reading


You probably have seen them – the bumper stickers, sometimes profanity-laced, urging drivers to put down the dang phone and drive.   On July 1st, if you don’t put down the dang or %#@$ phone, you could be talking to a police officer.  Continue reading

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