Articles Posted in Child Injuries and Death


Last week alone, there were five separate accidents over three days that involved children being killed or seriously injured while waiting at a bus stop or while trying to cross the street to enter or exit a bus.   All avoidable tragedies if all drivers would only follow the rules.  Of course, that begs the question: do all drivers even know the rules?  Hopefully, everyone knows that when on a two-lane road, traffic in both directions stops whenever a bus activates its stop signal.  But, do you know your responsibilities as a driver when there are multiple lanes?  How about when there are multiple lanes but they are divided?  Do you know at what time of day pedestrians are most at risk?   Take our short quiz and see how well you do.  Continue reading


It is trick or treat time again.  The anticipation around our house is almost feverish.  Our daughter will be going as grapes this year, and we will post a photo later in the week.   (Above is last year’s Halloween photos – Kate was a Spanish flamenco dancer)  We have a great time at our house.  We have some friends over for an early dinner of hotdogs and chili and then the kids head out in hopes of getting as much candy as they can carry while the parents stay on the porch handing out candy.  We are lucky; our neighborhood has sidewalks and our street gets blocked off to vehicular traffic.  But not all neighborhoods are as trick-or-treat friendly, so it is up to all of us to make sure we keep Halloween injury-free.  Here are 10 easy steps everyone should follow tomorrow night: Continue reading


From 2009 to 2016 (the last full year of analyzed data), the number of pedestrian deaths in the United States spiked 46 percent.  During that time, 5,987 people lost their lives in pedestrian accidents and tens of thousands of others were injured.  In Tennessee, this same trend can be seen:  Continue reading


By the end of this week, most students in public and private schools in Middle Tennessee will be back to school. Whether you are happy or sad about that, here are some tips for keeping children safe this year and to also make sure you do not violate Tennessee law. Continue reading


At The Law Offices of John Day, P.C., we have two intake specialists, Penny Whitaker and Lauren Bates. When people call into the offices for a free consultation, Lauren and Penny take the basic accident information for a free review by one of our award-winning attorneys. Let me say, Penny and Lauren do a great job; they understand that when people call our office they are often confused about their rights and options, scared about what the future may bring and looking for help. And, we desperately want to help. But all too often, we can’t and that is where the disappointment comes in. This is never truer than when someone did do something wrong and injuries or death resulted. Let me explain. Continue reading

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Dog ownership can be terribly expensive. Our King Charles Cavalier, Lincoln, or President Lincoln if you are not on familiar terms, has a super-sensitive digestive system, so in addition to being regulars at our vet’s office, he eats prescription dog food and often needs a pill to calm his stomach. A friend of a friend just paid $4,000 to have her dog’s knee repaired after he tore his ACL.

Unfortunately, dogs are costing their owners and insurers even larger sums thanks to a nationwide increase in dog bite claims. Last year alone, dog bite claims accounted for a whopping one-third of all homeowners’ liability claims and totaled nearly $700 million dollars. In addition, the severity of dog bite injuries is increasing as too are the amount of the payouts (either via settlement or court judgments). So what should responsible dog owners do to protect their self and, just as importantly, others? Continue reading



May is National Bike Month, and you can celebrate early with a free helmet for your child.  The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. is giving away free bike helmets to children this Saturday, April 28th at the 42nd Annual Pioneer Days at Cannonsburgh Village in Murfreesboro. The giveaway will take place between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.  Multiple sizes will be available.  Attendees are encouraged to stop by for their free child’s bicycle helmet but please arrive early rather than later as quantities are limited.

Did you know Tennessee law requires children under age 16 years of age to wear a helmet when they are biking.  Here are a few other facts you may not know:   Continue reading


In 2016, the United States had a record 161,374 accidental deaths.  According to the National Safety Council, every three minutes someone dies from a preventable accident.  And every second, an American is injured in a preventable accident.  These figures include motor vehicle accidents, falls, drownings, drug overdoses, etc.  Obviously, we can and must do better.   Safety on our roads, in our homes and in our businesses must become as much as a priority as curing cancer and preventing heart disease (the other top three leading causes of death)

Here are some things you can do to protect yourself and your family: Continue reading


For most of us, our Christmas To Do list looks something like: buy gifts, wrap gifts, send Christmas cards, decorate tree and house, attend parties, etc.  In the hustle and bustle of all things Christmas, we often forget to do those things that can keep our families safe.  At The Law Offices of John Day, P.C., we want everyone to enjoy the most wonderful time of the year without getting hurt, so here is your To Do list: Continue reading


Today is the first day of school for Williamson County.  Our daughter Kate is entering 5th grade this year at Scales Elementary.  Although she was embarrassed, she did relent and allow this picture upon arrival at school. And while it seems like just yesterday that we were going to the Boo Hoo breakfast for kindergarten parents not that much has changed.  She still worries about liking her teachers, the dynamics of friendships and how much homework will be assigned.  And, of course, as her parents, we still worry about everything, which brings me to some very important safety reminders for us all. Continue reading

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