Search Results for: jury duty

Under a 2010 law, cruise lines are required to report to the FBI allegations of only eight serious crimes including homicide, suspicious death, missing U.S. national, theft of money or property in excess of $10,000, kidnapping, certain sexual offenses, assault with serious bodily injury, firing or tampering with the vessel.   There are two problems with […]

A few weeks ago, a mob of motorcyclists and the Lien family, who were in a black Ranger Rover SUV, were involved in a violent incident. In recent days, more information has came out about the incident and it raises some interesting legal implications. Based on a video of the incident and news reports, the following appears […]

In Nashville and other cities across Tennessee, pedestrian traffic has increased as more and more people have chosen to live in an urban environment that allows for easy walks to work, restaurants, bars, museums, and retail centers. Tennessee is also blessed with many beautiful roadways which walkers, joggers and runners use for exercise.  Now that the lovely […]

Private companies, daycare centers or churches that put passenger buses on the road have a responsibility to exercise reasonable care for the safety of bus passengers.  That rule not only applies to bus drivers, but also the duty of bus owners to maintain the bus in an appropriate condition. As you would expect,  passenger buses […]

The National Conference of State Legislators has a list of the laws of each state that addresses whether carbon monoxide detectors that will help prevent carbon monoxide poisoning are legally required by statute.  This list of laws should be a starting place, not an end point,  for research.  For example, the list does not include a new law […]

Personal injury lawyers hear it all the time. "What do you mean my case is worth only $X?  My injury is real. I got hurt.   I saw an ad on TV that said that some other law firm got a client $500,000 and they didn’t even look hurt!"  How come you say I should only […]

Here is the latest on the fungal meningitis outbreak first discovered in Nashville and now spreading to other states: Seven people have died and 64 have been infected with fungal meningitis, presumably linked to an epidural steroid injection manufactured by a Massachusetts compounding pharmacy. Cases of fungal meningitis have now been reported in Tennessee, Florida, […]

One of the most frequent questions the lawyers of our firm are asked by our clients is whether their Tennessee personal injury or wrongful death case will settle. We explain that an insurance company for the at-fault party may not settle at all.  In Tennessee the insurance company does not have a duty to settle your […]

  This is the season when our streets and highways begin to be filled with bicycles. Bicycles are treated like vehicles on our roadways and, in general, those operating bicycles have the same duties and responsibilities as those driving cars and trucks. By the same token, bicyclists enjoy the same rights as other drivers.  Thus, […]

Liability insurance is insurance that protects you from loss in the event you are alleged to have negligently caused harm or damage to another  or are determined to have negligently caused harm or damage to another. Liability insurance offers two important components.  First, liability insurance pays for a lawyer to represent you in the event […]

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