
Claim Process for Filing A Lawsuit Against the Federal Government

I was hit by a Post Office truck.  How do I get my medical bills, lost wages, and other compensation paid to me?

If the truck was in fact owned and operated by the U.S. Post Office, you must file a formal notice of claim with the Post Office.  You must do this within two years of the date of your accident.  The Post Office then has at least six months to deny, approve, review or negotiate the claim.  If the claim is not resolved in six months, you have the right to file suit in federal court to protect your rights.

The claims and lawsuit process can be very complicated.  You would be wish to consult with a lawyer before taking legal action.  Our firm, the Law Offices of John Day, P.C., has handled claims against the federal government on many occasions, most recently resolving a medical negligence claim against a Veteran’s Administration Hospital.

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