
A Lawyer Wrote in His Blog About My Car Accident!

I was in a car accident on Interstate 24 near Murfreesboro a few weeks ago.  I was in the hospital for a few days and when I got home I had to miss several weeks of work.  I was playing around on the Internet to see if there was anything on there about my wreck (traffic was messed up for two hours) and I discovered a lawyer had written about my wreck.  My name wasn’t used but all of the other details were there.  Why is he doing that?

This lawyer is doing two things.  First, he is hoping that you will Google your accident, find his post, and then hire him to help you (or the other driver) with all any potential lawsuit.

Second, this attorney  is trying to put something on his blog to keep it current in the hope that it will rank higher in search engines like Google.  Google likes new content.  So, rather than write something substantive that actually will do readers some good, these lawyers write about accidents.  In fact, some of these posts are not written by the lawyer at all.  Some lawyers hire ghost-writers to write blog posts to create "content" and make Google think that their blog has some substance.

If this wreck was not your fault and you need a lawyer to help you should you hire such a lawyer?   I would suggest that  the factors you should consider are set forth our Legal Guide titled "Understanding How to Hire A Lawyer in a Personal Injury or Wrongful Death Case."

After you review the factors outlined in our Legal Guide, I think you will agree with me that a blog post about your wreck is certainly not a factor in your decision of who to hire as your lawyer.


Are you a personal injury lawyer who came across this post?   John Day writes a blog for personal injury and wrongful death lawyers called "Day on Torts."    John handles personal injury and wrongful death cases of all types across Tennessee and can be contacted either  here or by the "contact" form to the immediate right of this post. 

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