
How Can I Prove What Happened in My Wife’s Accident?

My wife was killed in an automobile wreck.  She was alone in the car.  The other driver says the wreck was her fault, but I don’t believe it.  How can I prove what happened?

You need the help of an experienced automobile wreck attorney to lead an investigation into what happened.

Tennessee law provides that, because your wife is not able to testify about what happened, she is presumed to have been exercising due care at the time of the wreck.  However, other testimony and evidence can make that presumption disappear. 

An experienced car accident lawyer knows how to investigate car wrecks and, as appropriate, work with others to determine how the wreck occurred.  The police report may contain the names of witnesses to the wreck – these people need to be located and interviewed.  People who live and work in the area may have observed the wreck but not have their names appear on the report.  Physical evidence, such as skid marks, yaw marks, and gouge marks may be present on the roadway.  The damage to the vehicles often yields information about how the wreck occurred, and many newer vehicles contain data recorders that can provide helpful information.

The key is to gather that data early.  Physical evidence can disappear, and memories fade.  You are encouraged to act quickly to secure the services of an experienced automobile wreck lawyer.

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