
Army Medical Malpractice

I was a victim of medical malpractice in an Army hospital in Tennessee.  What are my rights?

There is a process established in the law that permits victims of medical malpractice caused by employees of the Army, Air Force, Navy or Veteran’s Administration to take legal action.  First, appropriate notice must be given and then, when the claim is denied, suit must be filed in federal court.

Tennessee medical malpractice and damages law will control your case, even though it must be filed under a special federal law.  Here is a summary of Tennessee medical malpractice law.  Please note that federal law generally gives more time to file suit than state law – you need to talk with an experienced medical malpractice lawyer to assist you in determining how much time you have to file suit under the federal statute.  Failure to file suit on time will result in a loss of whatever rights you have, so be sure to contact a lawyer quickly.


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