
10 Easy Steps For a Safer Halloween

It is trick or treat time again.  The anticipation around our house is almost feverish.  Our daughter will be going as grapes this year, and we will post a photo later in the week.   (Above is last year’s Halloween photos – Kate was a Spanish flamenco dancer)  We have a great time at our house.  We have some friends over for an early dinner of hotdogs and chili and then the kids head out in hopes of getting as much candy as they can carry while the parents stay on the porch handing out candy.  We are lucky; our neighborhood has sidewalks and our street gets blocked off to vehicular traffic.  But not all neighborhoods are as trick-or-treat friendly, so it is up to all of us to make sure we keep Halloween injury-free.  Here are 10 easy steps everyone should follow tomorrow night:

For Drivers:

  1. Slow down.  Kids are notoriously unpredictable especially when excited.  In their exuberance over the holiday candy and costumes, kids are more likely to dart into traffic rather than looking both ways as they cross the street.  Slow down so you have more time to react and avoid a tragedy.
  2. Put down your phone. Re-read #1 above.  You need to be especially alert so your phone needs to be in your glove box, purse or otherwise out of reach.  Or use an app that blocks incoming texts and calls until you have finished your drive.
  3. Be especially vigilant as you enter or exit driveways as kids may be running up a sidewalk.
  4. Be sure to use your headlights. The most popular hours for trick or treating are 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. So even though the sun is not supposed to set until 5:52 tomorrow, go ahead and turn your lights on early to increase your visibility.
  5. Some adults like to enjoy a drink or two on Halloween night. Just be sure you are not operating your vehicle in an impaired state.  If you do enjoy a little too much, call a taxi, Lyft or Uber or let a friend drive you home.

For Trick-or-Treaters:

  1. If your kids are wearing a costume with a mask, make sure they can see. Masks that obscure vision are a hazard as kids may not see an approaching car, etc.
  2. Help increase kids visibility by having them carry a flashlight, a glow stick or a reflector, etc.
  3. Make sure kids can move about easily in their costume. Costumes that are too long or restrictive can cause kids to trip and fall.
  4. Remind kids to stay on sidewalks if available and to watch for cars.  Teach children to assume vehicles do not see them.
  5. Younger kids should trick or treat with an adult who can supervise their movements.

From The Law Offices of John Day, P.C., we wish you and yours a happy and, more importantly, a safe Halloween.   We would love to see your trick-or-treaters in their costumes or with their loot, so be sure to post photos in the comments.  Happy Halloween everyone!




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